Nostale Wiki

Destroyers, female and male

Destroyer is the 3rd Specialist Card for the Archer class. It is obtained from the level 55+ specialist quest. The destroyer uses guns and traps that are good for mobbing. This specialist is of element fire, and can burn it's opponents. It takes skill to use this card effectively, and is not popular as a pvp card.


Firetheshotgun Fire the Shotgun Job level: 0 Element: fire
Description: Basic skill for destroyers
Skill Effects: Ranged attack +150, fire element +180
CP: 0 Cast Time: 0.2 seconds
Distance: 6 cells Cooldown: 0.8 seconds
Target: Selected Mp Cost: 0

Desfast Fast Shot Job level: 2 Element: fire
Skill Effects: Ranged attack +300, fire element +350, 30% chance to cast blackout: (Disabled movement and attacks for 5 seconds)
CP: 0 Cast Time: 0.2 seconds
Distance: 6 cells Cooldown: 7 seconds
Target: Selected Mp Cost:45

Luckywideshot Lucky Wideshot Job level: 4 Element: fire
Skill Effects: Ranged attack +700, fire element +700, 100% chance of critical attack
CP: 0 Cast Time: 0.4 seconds
Distance: 6 cells Cooldown: 40 seconds
Target: Special area Mp Cost: 70

Boosteron Booster On Job level: 6 Element: none
Skill Effects: 100% chance to cast booster on: (movement speed +3 for 42 seconds)
CP: 0 Cast Time: 0.2 seconds
Distance: self Cooldown: 55 seconds
Target: self Mp Cost: 180

Claymore Claymore Job level: 8 Element: fire
Description: Set up a Claymore at your feet
Skill Effects:
CP: 0 Cast Time: 1.0 seconds
Distance: self Cooldown: 2.5/30 seconds
Target: all in 3 cells Mp Cost: 50

Gasshell Gas Shell Job level: 10 Element: none
Skill Effects: 100% chance to cast gas poison: [Chance of receiving critical hit 50%, defense level -2 for 20 seconds, 50% chance to cast 2nd gas poison: (Disables attacks for 5 seconds)]
CP: 0 Cast Time: 0.5 seconds
Distance: 6 cells Cooldown: 60 seconds
Target: all in 1 cell Mp Cost: 90

Burstshot Burst Shot Job level: 12 Element: fire
Skill Effects: Ranged attack +300, fire element +1500, pushes enemy away 4 cells
CP: 0 Cast Time: 0.5 seconds
Distance: 6 cells Cooldown: 23 seconds
Target: Selected Mp Cost: 110

Healthpack Health Pack Job level: 14 Element: none
Skill Effects: Removes bad effects Lv. 3 or lower
CP: 0 Cast Time: 0.4 seconds
Distance: 3 cells Cooldown: 100 seconds
Target: Selected Mp Cost: 85

Boomshot Boom Shot Job level: 16 Element: fire
Skill Effects: Ranged attack +900, fire element +1100, 40% chance to cast serious bleeding: [Lose HP every 2 seconds (Caster Lv. *4) for 20 seconds, 30% chance of casting broken heart disease: (Lose MP every 4 seconds (Caster Lv./3), movement speed -20% for 30 seconds]
CP: 0 Cast Time: 0.5 seconds
Distance: 6 cells Cooldown: 30 seconds
Target: all in 1 cell Mp Cost: 150

Firemine Fire Mine Job level: 18 Element: none
Description: Release 3 Fire Mines at your feet.The mines will find and chase its target on its own, though the target is selected at random within a certain area
Skill Effects:
CP: 0 Cast Time: 1.0 seconds
Distance: self Cooldown: 60 seconds
Target: Selected Mp Cost: 160

Helldrop Hell Drop Job level: 20 Element: fire
Skill Effects: Ranged attack +1000, fire element +1500, 80% chance to cast deadly blackout: (Disables movement and attack for 6 seconds, dodge reduced to 0 for .5 seconds)
CP: 0 Cast Time: 1.2 seconds
Distance: 6 cells Cooldown: 120 seconds
Target: all in 2 cells Mp Cost: 200